On-page SEO is extremely important when it comes to your website. Back linking is definitely essential too, but if you want to rank high for your main keywords, this is where on-page SEO comes in, and it’s got to be accurate. This checklist is here for you to know what steps to take in order to make sure that every single page on their site is optimized.
1. Make Sure Your Keywords Are in The Beginning of Your Title Tag
2. Optimize Your URLs For SEO
Make sure your URLs are short and right to the point, and include your target keyword.
3. Add Media to Your Blogs
Adding things like images, gifs, screenshots of relevant content, and videos are a great tool to use in order to gain user interaction. The media that you add doesn’t immediately affect your rankings, but if your audience is more engaged with your posts because you added some interesting content, Google will take notice.
Not only that, but adding media to your blogs will also increase your perceived value. With a higher perceived value, more links, and added media, your rankings will only increase!
4. Outbound Links
Google likes for you to use things like outbound links to other resources in order to rank higher. This is because Google wants to see that you participate in giving and receiving relevant links with other sites on the web. If all of the links on your pages are only to your own website, it can make you look bad, so spread the wealth and include a couple of outbound links in each blog!
Add 1 to 2 outbound link to a relevant and reputable website in each and every blog or post you publish.
5.Target Keywords Should Appear in the Beginning of Each Post
In order to optimize each post you create for your site, you should take care that you implement your main keyword into the first few sentences. This helps Google to understand the relevancy of your keyword, and if it translates to the topic you are writing about.
Make sure your target keyword is used within the first paragraph.
6. Making Sure That Your Blog Titles Are Using The H1 Tag
The H1 tag is important because it acts as the subhead line for your page or blog post. Whenever you write your title, you should make sure that it is using an H1 tag. This is usually automatic on websites like Wordpress, but it’s always a good idea to double check. To double check this, you would view your page’s source code to make sure that the title has “<h1” on either side of it.
Double check that your titles containing your keyword are wrapped in an H1 tag.
7. Take Care That Your Loading Speed is Quick!
This step is definitely a make or break. Loading speeds are crucial to your SEO! Not only are they imperative for ranking on Google, but the longer your page takes to load, the less time people spend on it, or bounce from your website entirely.
8. Optimize Your Title Tag by Adding Modifiers
9. Be Sure to Have Social Share Buttons Front and Center
This one is obvious. If your social share buttons are prominent, colorful, or trail down the page when you scroll, then your posts are more likely to be shared. The more people that share your posts, the better those posts will rank!
10. Content: the Longer, the Better
The longer your article or blog post is, the higher the ranking on Google. You should post about sessions, frequently asked questions, or anything you usually would blog about should be around 1500+ words, even up to 2000. The more content you have, the more information your audience will gather, and you will rank higher in the process!
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